Our office provides needle-less acupuncture, as well as, traditional needle acupuncture.
Q. What is acupuncture?
A. Acupuncture is a 5,000 year old Chinese system of natural healing (no drugs, no surgery.) Which is concerned with restoring proper energy flow to the various organs, glands and tissues of the body on the premise that most diseases are the result of malfunction due to disrupted energies.
Explanation: The Chinese definition of Health is “All parts of the body functioning normally,” all 400 trillion parts. If there is an interruption in the transmission of energy flow or life force (called ch’i in Chinese), then organ malfunction, disease, pain and suffering are inevitable.
Q. Where does the interruption of energy flow occur?
A. In either or both locations: 1). In the channels of energy flow, which are located throughout the body, just beneath the skin surface; 2). In the spinal column where vertebrae may become misaligned, thereby compressing vital nerve trunks.
Q. Are there other causes of disease besides those associated with the interference of the transmission of energy flow?
A. Yes, of course. Psychosomatic states, hereditary factors, poisons, adverse environmental conditions, injury, germs, malnutrition, etc…, all are disease producing.
Q. How do you detect the disturbance in energy flow within a patient?
A. By many methods. Including certain signs, symptoms, pain spots, organ reflex points, and electrical instrumental findings.
Q. Assuming I’m going to take acupuncture treatments, how are they performed?
A. First, the related skin points are determined. Then they are appropriately treated by one of over thirty methods of stimulation. Some of which are: 1) long needle insertion, 2) short needle insertion; 3) non-piercing needles; 4) finger tip pressure 5) metallic balls taped to the points and 6) electrical stimulation. Dr. Swanson primarily uses needle-less electrical stimulation.
Q. What are some of the conditions commonly treated by acupuncture?
A. Common conditions usually responding to acupuncture health care may include: headaches, sports related injuries, spasms, musculoskeletal conditions, tennis elbow, osteoarthritis, lumbago and plantar fasciitis.
Q. Out of ten patients accepted for acupuncture health care, how many usually respond favorable?
A. On the average, eight. Two out of ten fail to respond favorably for a variety of reasons. Advanced age, severity of condition, irreversible tissue damage, etc., are deterrents to recovery.
Q. Are chiropractic spinal adjusting treatments necessary with acupuncture?
A. They are not an absolute necessity, but it will enhance the effectiveness of treatment. Spinal adjustments are part of the acupuncture health care. World authorities, including Feliz Mann, M.D. of England; Paul Nogier, M.D. of France; and Kunzo Nagayama, M.D. of Japan are very emphatic on this aspect of “getting well.”
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