Same day appointments are available!
New Patient Forms
Save time in the office, download and print out the forms prior to your initial visit.
(These forms able to be filled out on your computer via Adobe Reader.)
Prior to your first visit watch this short video.
How Are We Different?
We don’t take the “I am the Doctor, you are the Patient” outlook on treatment. When you consult this office you are entering into a partnership. A partnership to better your health and ultimately your life. You will be given recommendations regarding your care that are based on years of experience and evidence based research. We will work WITH you and not merely ON you to reach your health goals!
Within every partnership each partner has responsibilities.
Ours is to provide the best healthcare and advice possible. Your responsibilities include:
- Asking questions. The better you understand your condition, the faster your recovery.
- Keeping your appointments. The primary way to achieve the results millions of chiropractic patients have enjoyed is to keep your appointments.
- Getting involved. Patients who assume personal responsibility for recovering their health often get better results.